Putopis iz Kine | Šta videti u veličanstvenom Pekingu: 1 deo

Putopis iz Kine

ENG / China is like a dream, a totally different energy, busy & calm at the same time.
It’s definitely worth a visit. Impressive Beijing leaves no one indifferent, and even when the visit happens in the Spring, the overall impression is one big WOW!

BEIJING is best known for having the finest remnants of China’s imperial past and being a China culture hub.

The most popular thing to do in Beijing is to visit the Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Great Wall, Temple of Heaven and other famous attractions.

I can’t tell you how huge everything in Beijing is and how much you really feel like you are on another planet when you see all these impressive temples and spacious squares.

Tiananmen Square is one of the largest public squares in the world. The square is in front of the Forbidden City and has a number of sights of its own, including the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. The historical, cultural, and political significance of the square makes it a must-visit sight in Beijing.

putopis iz kine

putopis iz kine

Temple of Heaven is a complex of imperial religious buildings. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for a good harvest. The Temple of Heaven was inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1998 and was described as “a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design”.

putopis iz kine

putopis iz kine

nebeski hram u pekingu

temple of heaven

putopis iz kine


Blazer & Sunglasses: Reserved

Pants: Piazza Italia

Sneakers: Paolo Sousa

T-Shirt: Stradivarius

Belt: New Yorker

Bag: Chanel 19

• The Forbidden City was the palatial heart of China. It’s an imperial palace complex of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368–1912) in Beijing. It is the world’s largest imperial palace, over three times larger than the Louvre Palace in France. It has some of the largest and best-preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

As one of the five most important palaces in the world, the grand halls and walls proudly display the essence and culmination of traditional Chinese architecture, fitting for the capital city of the world’s largest nation.

forbidden city

zabranjeni grad



putopis iz kine

forbidden city

• The magnificent Summer Palace is a huge complex of lakes, gardens and palaces in Beijing. In the past, it was an imperial garden in the Qing Dynasty. Impressive parts of the complex include: Longevity Hill, Kunming Lake and the Seventeen Hole Bridge.

summer palace, beijing

flowers in beijing

flower season in beijing

old tree, beijing

The Great Wall of China is known as the longest, largest and most magnificent man-made structure. A wall is a linear structure made of stone, brick, earth, wood and other materials that connects a series of military fortifications. It stretches east-west along the northern border of the former Chinese empire, that is, from the steppes of Central Asia all the way to the Yellow Sea. The total length of the wall is an incredible 21,196 km. How much the Chinese people respect the Chinese wall is shown by a proverb that has remained among their people to this day and which says: “He who has not been on the wall cannot be considered a hero!”

the great wall

I hope I have conveyed to you at least a fraction of the atmosphere of the magnificent capital of great China. In the next travel post, I will show you what modern Beijing looks like, as well as the fantastic hotel where I had the pleasure of staying.

Until the next story,

Kisses & Hugs!

SRB/ Kina je poput sna, jedna potpuno drugačija energija, užurbana i mirna u isto vreme.
Definitivno, vredi je posetiti. Impresivni Peking nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim, a još kada se poseta potrefi u proleće, celokupni utisak je jedno veliko WOW!

PEKING je najpoznatiji po tome što ima najfinije ostatke kineske imperijalne prošlosti i što je kinesko kulturno središte.

Najpopularnija stvar u Pekingu je da se posete: Trg Tjenanmen, Zabranjeni grad, Veliki zid, Nebeski hram i druge poznate atrakcije.

Ne mogu da vam opišem koliko je sve ogromno i grandiozno u Pekingu i koliko se zaista osećate kao da ste na nekoj drugoj planeti kada vidite sve te impresivne hramove i prostrane trgove.

Trg Tjenanmen je jedan od najvećih javnih trgova na svetu. Trg se nalazi ispred Zabranjenog grada i ima niz sopstvenih znamenitosti, uključujući: Spomenik narodnim herojima, Veliku Narodnu dvoranu, Nacionalni muzej Kine i Mauzolej Mao Cedunga. Istorijski, kulturni i politički značaj trga čini ga obaveznom stanicom posete u Pekingu.

Zabranjeni grad je raskošno srce Kine. To je kompleks carske palate dinastija Ming i Ćing (1368–1912) u Pekingu. To je najveća carska palata na svetu, preko tri puta veća od palate Luvr u Francuskoj. Ima neke od najvećih i najbolje očuvanih drevnih konstrukcija od drveta na svetu.

Kao jedna od pet najvažnijih palata na svetu, velike dvorane i zidovi ponosno prikazuju suštinu i vrhunac tradicionalne kineske arhitekture, koja odgovara glavnom gradu najveće nacije na svetu.

Nebeski hram je kompleks carskih verskih objekata. Kompleks su posetili carevi dinastija Ming i Ćing radi godišnjih ceremonija molitve Nebu za dobru žetvu. Nebeski hram je upisan kao mesto svetske baštine 1998. godine i opisan je kao „remek delo arhitekture i pejzažnog dizajna“.

• Veličanstvena Letnja palata je ogroman kompleks jezera, vrtova i palata u Pekingu. U prošlosti, to je bio carski vrt u dinastiji Ćing. Impozantni delovi kompleksa obuhvataju: Brdo dugovečnosti, jezero Kunming i most sa sedamnaest rupa.

Kineski zid je poznat kao najduža, najveća i najvelelepnija građevina napravljena ljudskom rukom. Zid podrazumeva linearnu građevinu sačinjenu od kamena, opeke, zemlje, drveta i drugih materijala koja povezuje seriju vojnih utvrđenja. Prostire se u pravcu istok-zapad severnom granicom nekadašnjeg kineskog carstva, odnosno od stepa Srednje Azije sve do Žutog mora. Ukupna dužina zida iznosi neverovatnih 21.196 km.
Кoliko sami Kinezi poštuju svoj Kineski zid govori i poslovica koja se zadržala u njihovom narodu i dan danas i koja kaže: “Ko nije bio na zidu, taj ne može biti ocenjen za junaka!”

Nadam se da sam vam prenela bar delić atmosfere veličanstvenog glavnog grada velike Kine. U narednom travel postu, pokazaću vam kako izgleda moderan Peking kao i fantastični hotel u kome sam imala zadovoljstvo da odsednem.

Do naredne priče, šaljem vam lep pozdrav!

I would like to thank Turkish Airlines for making this trip possible.

How to wear tweed in Spring – find here


    • bambolai
      May 7, 2023 / 4:24 pm

      Zadivljujuci su im hramovi zaista! Hvala mila <3

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