Austria Photo Travel Guide: Salzburg

The second part of the Austria Photo Travel Guide is in front of you. Welcome to Salzburg!

The fourth largest city in Austria is delighted with Baroque architecture and is known as the city of music. Famous composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born here. 

Salzburg is located on the bank of the Salzach River, surrounded by the Alps, and it’s named after the surrounding salt mines and a literally translated word Salzburg means: a “city of salt”. The city roams tourists all year round and is full of museums, galleries, souvenir shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants with delicious local cuisine.

For the second time, I visited Salzburg and it totally thrilled me. From the souvenir I loved super tasty Mozart pralines (Mozart kugel).

Stunning place to visit – Mirabell Palace (with grandious Garden) was built in 1606 by prince-archbishop Wolf Dietrich for his beloved Salome Alt. Today, it serves as the backdrop for the most romantic weddings you could possibly imagine. And the legendary moovie: “The Sound of Music” is shot here.

Take a look at Salzburg photos and enjoy! <3

Pred vama je drugi deo foto putopisa iz Austrije. Dobrodošli u Salzburg!

Četvrti po veličini grad u Austriji oduševljava baroknom arhitekturom i poznat je kao grad muzike. U njemu je rođen čuveni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Nalazi se na obali reke Salzach, okružen je Alpima, a naziv je dobio po okolnim rudnicima soli i bukvalan prevod reči Salzburg jeste “grad od soli”. 

Grad vrvi turistima tokom cele godine i prepun je muzeja, galerija, suvenirnica, butika, kafića i restorana sa ukusnom domaćom kuhinjom. 

Po drugi put sam ga posetila i totalno me je oborio s nogu, a od suvenira najdraže su mi preukusne Mozart kugle.

Na fotografijama videćete prizore raskošnog centra grada, a najveći broj fotografija uslikan je na jednoj zaista veličanstvenoj lokaciji, u velelepnom vrtu zamka Mirabel. 
Zamak je podignut 1606. godine od strane princa arhiepiskopa Wolfa Ditriha u čast svoje voljene Salome Alt. I dan danas, zamak privlači pažnju svojom autentičnom lepotom, a često služi i kao scenografija mladencima za najlepše moguće romantične fotografije. 
Takođe, legendarni film: ”Moje pesme, moji snovi” usnimljen je u Salzburgu, a neke od najlepših scena nastale su upravo u Mirabel vrtu.

A, sada vas prepuštam uživanju u fotografijama i puno vas pozdravljam do narednog – trećeg dela putopisa. <3

 Salzburg Love Locks Bridge
 Salzburg Cathedral
Salzburg Main Street:  Getreidegasse
Salzburg Main Street:  Getreidegasse
Traditional Honey Cookies
Salzburg City Centre
Salzach River
Salzburg Baroque Style
Salzburg City Centre
Cute Souvenirs
Salzach River
Traditional Austrian Meal: Goulash
Salzburg City Centre
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden
Mirabell Palace Garden

Bomber Jacket: SheIn // Pants: Promod // T-Shirt: Orsay // Sneakers: Hogl // Sunnies: Escada // Bag: Guess // Camera: Nikon


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